Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The End

I’ve really liked writing a blog this semester. I feel like it really improved my writing skills and taught me how to write things that people will be interested in. I love sharing stories, especially ones that make people laugh. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to let me bore you one more time. :)
I feel like college is a topic I’ve successfully avoided bringing up until now, but something that takes up so much of my time was bound to make its appearance eventually. I’ve never done anything before that seems so arbitrary, yet actually matters so much. I feel like I should be super worried, but college applications seem to be one thing I prioritize and complete exactly to my plans (much to the dismay of my schoolwork).
At the same time, the ever-present feeling that everything is ending is hard to avoid. After I got my first acceptance, I was further cemented into this frame of mind. And while waiting to hear back from other places has me caught in a state of anticipation, I can’t help but feel lost. This major five-year chapter of my life is about to be over, and without the easy routine I’ve fallen into, I can’t predict how I’ll cope. I know I’m going to go on to (hopefully) bigger and brighter things, but I’ve found comfort in this life, this home that Uni has provided me.

I know that this next chapter of my life is going to be exciting, and probably better than anything I’ve ever experienced. I also know I’ve got to make it through another whole semester before graduation. But being a senior has given me a new perspective on my time at Uni, and made me nostalgic for something I’m still experiencing. College is an exciting part of my near-future, but I wish it could stay future for just a bit longer.


  1. Great Post. Same college takes up a lot of my time. I know that for now I kind of want to stay at Uni for a little longer, but once senioritis hits I know I'm going to want to leave asap.

  2. This post is very well written! I appreciate you sharing your emotions and perspectives as you navigate through what is almost the end of your Uni career. Going off of how you put it, there is a lot to take in for you right now. As a junior, this reality hasn't hit me yet, but there's no doubt that it's coming. For now, all that anyone in your position can do is try to stay optimistic about the next chapter of life. Great post and best of luck!

  3. I'm so glad you've enjoyed writing a blog. I find it's a great way to write regularly with a higher level of quality, because there's a built-in audience. I love the title of your blog, which I think captures well the joy of writing to express yourself. I hope you find other outlets for your writing, and ways to get and give input. Even though the heyday of personal blogs has passed, people still do write them (and it's easier to find an audience if you promote them on your social media networks). But the personal journal is also a great way to write regularly (though without the benefit of an audience, something that has plusses but also minuses).

  4. Even though I'm only a junior I've also began to stress about college too. I've taken the PSAT and later I need to take the SAT, and just the thought of leaving Uni, the place I've become so accustomed to, is very scary. I think this blog post captured these feelings very well, good job!

  5. I relate to this a lot. I think the part that hit me the hardest is where you say that is feels arbitrary but means so much. That is so true. I sometimes question why I am applying to a school or why college even stresses me out so much because the arbitrary-ness can be overwhelming, even though we are possibly deciding the course of our lives, not just the next four years. Everyone keeps saying, "you'll be happy wherever you go," or, "I know you will make a good choice," but I don't always think I can have as much faith in myself as those people seem to have in me. I don't mean to bring you down though, it's certainly an exciting part of our lives!

  6. This was really relatable to me. I thought after my first acceptance, a lot of the stress and college stuff that I always think about would go away, but it didn't. I definitely wish I had more time before college, but I think I have to get used to preparing for major changes in my life.

  7. Being a junior I don't totally understand this. All I can say is that I am scared of the first semester when college becomes such a problem, but I'm also excited because I'll be starting a new chapter in my life. Nice Post!

  8. I can definitely relate to the idea of being lost. Right now it feels like I'm in a limbo. I can't plan for the future because I don't know what the future will look like or even where it will be. All of that lies in the hands of several admissions officers.
