Monday, August 28, 2017


You know when you’re telling a story, but about 3 minutes into it you realize that it’s not as interesting as you thought it was when you started? And you’ve invested too much time in it at this point to say “nevermind”, and now there’s like, a lot of people listening to you? And you can’t let them down? And the pressure just gets to you, and you end up making up an ending that 100% did not happen, but everybody laughs, and you’re filled with a sense of guilty euphoria? This happens to me more than I care to admit, but now I’m spilling my secret and facing the problem head-on.
As I was reading through some of the older blogs looking for inspiration, I noticed that a lot of people write their first post about writing. Specifically, people usually mention their problems or issues they have with writing, or their insecurity about their own writing. I struggle with writing probably just as much as the next person, but that’s not where my main troubles lie. My problem isn’t that I can’t get started, or I lack inspiration, or I’m overly critical of my own work. My problem is that I’m a dirty liar.
I’m probably being dramatic. When I think “dirty liar” images come to mind of a shadowy figure sneaking around alleys late at night, someone that you would make a deal with and they, in turn, would stab you in the back. I’m not that person, and to be honest I don’t really lie in real life that much. I do lie in my writing however, and it’s a real problem. I don’t lie about big stuff, because that would definitely make things too complicated, but lying about minute details just comes so easily to me. Whether it’s to make something more eye-catching and interesting, or to make a certain event easier to explain, or simply because I think something sounds better, most of my personal writing is spotted with tiny fibs. If I ever get questioned, or on a rare occasion, caught, I’ll usually just blame it on my terrible memory, and play it off as a “well, I thought that happened!” The funniest thing is when I’m actually writing the piece, and my brain will go “THAT’S A LIE!!!! WHY ARE YOU WRITING THAT!!!!! DUDE!!!! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!” while simultaneously my fingers are going “Haha :)”
In class we’ve emphasized the importance of honesty in personal essay writing, and so this is obviously a problem I’ll have to work on this semester, and probably for the rest of my life. And it’s also not something I really understand the root cause of, so that’ll be a lot of fun to unpack :). But in all seriousness, hopefully I’ll be able to stop lying in my writing, or at least cut it down? I don’t know. We’ll see.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Nonfiction Writing

Posts from now until the foreseeable future will be for my Uni High nonfiction writing class.